Category Archives: Decor

I’ve been scheming up this kitchen for almost a year now. As we reach the stage in this build where the kitchen is starting to take shape, it’s exciting to see these pieces start to slowly come together. There have always been a few elements that were really important for me to nail down. The...

Do we really live in a world where even plants can be on trend or on their way out just like that latest “It” bag? Yes. Yes we do. Even before an Instagram hashtag could propel a plant to interior design stardom, “It” houseplants have been coming and going in style for decades. Remember the...

2019 promises to be the year that the gray walls you’ve been seeing everywhere are finally on their way out! One quick google about the wall color “gray” turns up a score of articles asking if the color is, in fact, over. After some research and taking a longer look at my own gray walls,...

My baby is going on 3 1/2 and we just can’t believe it! Time really does fly when you are having fun or not getting enough sleep. Still. But now the time has come to transition our little man from his nursery to a big boy room! It is an exciting time. But I am...

Last year, I followed one of my passions and opened an online vintage store, Finn Trading Co.! FTC is a carefully curated collection of hand picked vintage home furnishings & accessories. It all started when my love of collecting started to take over both guest bedroom closets in my house. I was finding all of...